Basic Math & Operation

basic math operation


 A number is a mathematical object used to count, measure and label (Example – 1, 2, 3…..). A notational symbol that represents a number is called a numeral (Roman Numerals – I, II, III…..; Arabic Numerals – 0, 1, 2, …….8, 9).

Provide opportunity to kids to touch numbers through digital numbers.  Make a circle & teach numbers first in ascending order 1, 2, 3,………8, 9,10 & then in descending order 10,9,8,……., 3, 2, 1


Before starting addition, first teach ‘number that comes next’ to prepare children addition means more. Use objects to demonstrate how addition works. Make addition fun in the classroom with these creative, easy and effective hands on activities – addition card game, creative addition machine, coat hanger, addition catch etc.


Before starting subtraction, first teach ‘descending order of numbers & number that comes before’ to prepare children subtraction means less. Number lines can be extremly useful in subtraction teaching. Do not forget to share that subtraction is the inverse of addition, i.e. 6 + 4 = 10 & 10 – 4 = 6. Practise this as often as you can.

To subtract 45 – 8, using mental math near ten to eight is two, then 45 – 10 is 35, so 45 – 8 = 37 is far better/interesting/easier than traditional method i.e. we can not subtract greater number 8 from small number 5, so borrow 1 from 4, then 5 becomes 15, 15 – 8 = 7, since 4 gave 1 to 5, so it changes in 3 and answer is 37. Subtraction poem also helps students to understand borrowing concept of subtraction.


Multiplication is the repeated addition. Before starting multiplication, first teach children skip counting. If students get chance to make multiplication table themselves, they will not only enjoy but also remember multiplication table without any stress. We can use our hands to show multiplication table of 9.

Techniques for two-digit number multiplication table: For multiplication table of 75; write table of 7 & 5 in column. First row will be same. From second row to tenth row, write last digit same; add previous digit. This interesting trick will work for 11 to 99.


Division means sharing. Similarly, division is repeated subtraction.